  • 1 # 雄姿英發5048

    尺子的英文讀音:英 ["ruːlə] 美 ["rulɚ]


    釋義:n. 尺;統治者;[測] 劃線板,劃線的人


    1、He thwacked the desk with a ruler.他用尺子重敲桌子。

    2、Is this ruler graduated in centimeters?這把尺是釐米刻度的嗎?

    3、She lined the white paper with a pen and a ruler.她用鋼筆和直尺在白紙上畫線。

    4、They believed in God as the supreme ruler of the universe. Therefore, they said, no human should ever exercise authority over another human.他們認為,上帝是宇宙至高無上的統治者,因此任何人不應當對另一個人行使權威。

    5、He finds that they lie, manipulate, steal, and kill their way to the top, and if you want to be a good ruler, you have to be prepared to do these things too.他發現他們透過謊言、玩弄權術、偷竊和剷除異己而到達權力的頂峰;他同時得出結論,如果一個人想要成為一個好的統治者,那他也得做好準備這樣做。

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