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    Don"t Matter

    by Akon

    Nobody wanna see us together 人們都反對我們在一起

    But it don"t matter no 但是沒關係

    (Cause I got you babe) 因為我有你baby

    Nobody wanna see us together 人們都反對我們在一起

    But it don"t matter no 但是沒關係

    (Cause I got you babe)因為我有你baby

    Cause we gon" fight 因為我們會去爭取

    Oh yes we gon" fight 是的我們會去爭取

    Believe we gon" fight 相信我們會去爭取

    We gon" fight

    Fight for our right to love yeah 爭取我們愛的權利

    Nobody wanna see us together 人們反對我們在一起

    But it don"t matter no 但是沒有關係

    Cause I got you 因為我有你就足夠

    Nobody wanna see us together 人們反對我們在一起

    Nobody thought we"d last forever 沒人相信我們會天長地久

    I feel I"m hopin" And prayin" 我盼望著祈求著

    Things between us gon" get better 事情會好起來的

    Men steady comin" after you 男人堅定的支援你

    Women steady comin" after me 女人堅定的支援我

    Seem like everybody wanna go for self 人們都能做回自己

    And don"t wanna respect boundaries 不管各種無謂的界線

    Tellin" you all those lies 並告訴你那些都是謊言

    Just to get on your side 能站在你的那一邊

    But I must admit there was a couple secrets 但我必須承認這只是秘密

    I held inside 我深藏的秘密

    But just know that I tried 我總是努力求得別人的諒解

    To always apologize

    And I"ma have you first always in my heart 你對我如此重要我要使你快樂

    Got every right to wanna leave 爭取離開的權利

    Got every right to wanna go 分手的權利

    Got every right to hit the road 立刻分手吧

    And never talk to me no more 不再和我說話

    You don"t even have to call 不再打電話

    Even check for me at all 也不向我求證

    Because the way I been actin" lately

    Has been off the wall 因為我最近如此瘋狂

    Especially toward you

    Puttin" girls before you 當著你的面沾花惹草

    And they watchin" everything I been doin" 人們會看到我所做的都是為了傷害你

    Just to hurt you

    Most of it just ain"t true 那都不是真的

    Ain"t true

    And they won"t show you 但是他們不會告訴你

    How much of a queen you are to me 你是我心中永遠的queen

    And why I love you baby 我如此愛你


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