  • 1 # 小純情家常小菜

    electrician :電工magician :魔術師mathematician : 數學家statistician : 統計員technician : 技術人員phisician:物理學家Cian釋義:n. (Cian)人名;(意)奇安例句:

    1、I still carried my green net but I began to play at being a sage, a magi- cian or a poet. 我仍然帶著綠色的蟲網,卻幻想著成為智者、魔術師或是詩人。

    2、When Cian arrived, Kalyn pretended nothing was wrong, and acted friendly to allay suspicion. 倩到了以後,卡莉恩裝作什麼也沒發生,以友好的姿態掩飾內心的疑慮。

    3、Knowing that Zealots of Psusan were enjoying a flash of popularity in the trendy districts of Coruscant, she invited Cian to meet at the Outlander Club to discuss work. 她知道最近“普蘇桑狂熱信徒”在科洛桑的時尚區域一下子變得很流行,因此邀請倩在“外鄉人夜總會”談工作。

    4、This time, Kalyn made no mistakes, and Cian finally payed for her betrayal with her life. 這一次,卡莉恩沒有失手,倩最終為自己的背叛付出了生命的代價。

    5、This informant also told her that Cian was in on the plot and was about to sell Farnmir out. 這個線人還告訴她,倩參與了這起陰謀,準備出賣法恩米爾。

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