  • 1 # 湯布里博

    I think it would be a kindness to tell him the bad news straight away. 我認為立即告訴他這個壞訊息是很友好的。

    I can never repay her many kindnesses to me. 我無法回報她對我的許多幫助。

    She always shows kindness to children and animals. 她對孩子和動物總是很溫柔。

    He did it entirely out of kindness, not for the money. 他做那件事純粹是出於好意, 並非為錢。

    His outstanding attribute was his kindness .他最突出的品質是善良。

    I "m very grateful to you for your kindness ...你的好意,我十分領情。

    Do n"t expect him to show kindness to you .別指望他會對你發善心。

    She does n"t intend to be repaid to her kindness .她不圖回報她的好心。

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 接受社會壓榨的打工者,沒時間和孩子一起,孩子未來會怎麼樣?