adj.of or relating to China or its language, culture, or people(與)中國(有關)的;(與)漢語(有關)的;(與)中國文化(有關)的;(與)華人(有關)的。belonging to or relating to the people forming the dominant ethnic group of China and also widely dispersed elsewhere(與)漢族人(有關)的;(與)華人(有關)的。亦稱HAN.n.(復同單)1.[mass noun]the Chinese language中文,漢語。2.a native or national of China, or a person of Chinese descent華人;華僑;華裔。Brit. informal a Chinese meal〈英,非正式〉 中國餐。Brit. informal a Chinese restaurant〈英,非正式〉 中國餐館。
Chinese【讀音】 : [英] [tʃʌɪˈniːz] [美] [ˌtʃaɪˈniz]【釋義】 : adj.(與)中國(有關)的;(與)漢語(有關)的;(與)中國文化(有關)的;(與)華人(有關)的n.中文,漢語;華人;華僑;華裔
adj.of or relating to China or its language, culture, or people(與)中國(有關)的;(與)漢語(有關)的;(與)中國文化(有關)的;(與)華人(有關)的。belonging to or relating to the people forming the dominant ethnic group of China and also widely dispersed elsewhere(與)漢族人(有關)的;(與)華人(有關)的。亦稱HAN.n.(復同單)1.[mass noun]the Chinese language中文,漢語。2.a native or national of China, or a person of Chinese descent華人;華僑;華裔。Brit. informal a Chinese meal〈英,非正式〉 中國餐。Brit. informal a Chinese restaurant〈英,非正式〉 中國餐館。