When I began to learn English, remembering words was a big headache to me. Even though I could remember some, they went out of my mind soon. I was so hopeless.
One day I asked my teacher a question before I would give up, "Why do I have to remember words?" The teacher said," Words are not for remembering but for talking and writing. Keep using them and you will remember them."
I took her advice and tried to use words in my talking and writing. To my surprise, learning words by heart didn"t seem to be a problem anymore.
A question I asked
When I began to learn English, remembering words was a big headache to me. Even though I could remember some, they went out of my mind soon. I was so hopeless.
One day I asked my teacher a question before I would give up, "Why do I have to remember words?" The teacher said," Words are not for remembering but for talking and writing. Keep using them and you will remember them."
I took her advice and tried to use words in my talking and writing. To my surprise, learning words by heart didn"t seem to be a problem anymore.