  • 1 # 使用者2070899291612

    hold up指用暴力或武力威脅搶劫,有明確目的 hold back扣住,保留抑制的意思

    1. hold up常表示下列意義: 1) 延遲,阻礙 My application was held up by the postal strike. 2) 攙扶;支撐;舉起;抬起 He held up his hand to agree to the plan. 3) 舉出(例子);提出(作為榜樣) She is always holding up her children as models of good behavior. 4) 支援住;承受住;支撐得住 She’s holding up well under the pressure.

    2. hold back常表示下列意義: 1) 阻礙,阻止 He was so angry at the news that I couldn’t hold him back. 2) 妨礙進展 Do you think that mixed ability classes hold back the better students?

  • 2 # 佳期如夢將至

    hold up1、延擱 2、持槍搶劫(銀行等)hold back1、hold sth/sb back 阻礙 2、阻止…前進

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