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    1、負一層:Negative layer

    例句:Mart divided into five levels, negative warehouse cargo floor are working areas。


    2、負二層:Negative two layers

    例句:The basement Negative twolayers houses a wide array of modern fitness facilities, an indoor children"s play area and additional recreational rooms


    3、負三層:Negative three layers

    例句:Mart divided into five levels, Negative threelayershouse cargo floor are working areas。


    1、一層:First floor

    例句:I"ll go to the first floor。翻譯:我去一層樓。

    2、二層:The two level

    例句:Things are on the two floor.翻譯:東西在二層。

    3、三層:three layers

    例句:There"s something on the three floor.翻譯:三層上有東西。

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