  • 1 # 紫羅蘭派

    1、 self-confidence:自信;例如:;Imagine what your life would be like if you had an abundance of selfconfidence !;設想一下,如果你充滿自信,你的生活會是怎樣一番景象!;

    2、creativity:創新;例如:;But if we harness our efforts and employ innovative approaches as these nations are doing, there is no reason that we cannot turn back the tide of this epidemic.;但是如果我們象這些國家正在進行的那樣利用我們的努力和採用創新的策略,我們沒有理由不能遏制該病流行的趨勢。;

    3、cooperation:合作;例如:;While in the past we stressed aid, now we stress economic cooperation. ;我們過去側重提供援助, 現在強調經濟合作。;

    4、smile:微笑;例如:;Then one fine day, you will smile to yourself. ;然後在一個晴朗天,你將會對自己微笑。;

    5、patience:耐心;例如:;Patience is a requirement in teaching.;耐心是教學必備的條件。

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