  • 1 # rrepn37027

    strugglevi. 奮鬥,努力;掙扎n. 努力,奮鬥;競爭vt. 使勁移動;盡力使得 This is an uncompromising struggle.這是一場毫不調和的鬥爭。They have learned to struggle against adversity.他們已經學會同逆境做鬥爭。Life became a struggle for survival.生活變成了一場爭取生存的鬥爭Losing weight was a terrible struggle.減肥是件很費勁的事。 fight vi. 打架;與…打仗,與…鬥爭;反對…提案n. 打架;戰鬥,鬥志 More than nine hundred people have died in the fighting.九百多人在這場戰鬥中死去。As a child she fought with her younger sister.小時候她跟她的妹妹打過架。She was always arguing with him and fighting with him.她總是跟他爭論和吵架。The referee stopped the fight.裁判叫停了那場拳擊賽。He is still fighting for his life in the hospital.他還在醫院裡與死神作鬥爭。

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