  • 1 # 老生談笑

    require to do要求做require doing 需要,需要做,需要這樣做釋義:require to do:要求做require doing:需要,需要做,需要這樣做短語:require to do:require sb to do 要求某人做 ; 正在翻譯require sb to do sht 要求某人做require sb to do sth 要求某人做某事 ; 要求某人幹某事 ; 要求某人做require doing:Require doing sth 要求做某事 ; 要求做 ; 需要做某事 ; 正在翻譯sth require doing 某物需要被做造句:require to do:The only thing I require to do is play chess. 咱們所要做的事是用紙將書包起來。I require to do it abundance colorful or attractive. 我想讓它變得更富有色彩,更加迷人。And so let us sll the time meet each otIT with a smile, for the smile is the beginning of love,and once we begin to love each otIT naturally we require to do event. 因此,讓咱們總是微笑想見,因該微笑根本那是愛的開端,一旦咱們開端彼此自然地相愛,咱們就會想著為對方做點什麼了。require doing:And it will require doing all we can to get exploding deficits under control as our economy begins to recover. 這需要我們在經濟開始恢復之際盡全力控制迅速擴大的赤字。At one time, achieving celebrity would require doing something extraordinary, such asoverthrowing an empire or inventing a religion. 從前, 出名需要做很多與眾不同的事, 例如打造一個帝國或發明一個宗教。This may require doing some breaststroke, or even treading water or floating for a little while. 這可能需要你遊一會蛙泳,或者踩水,或者漂浮一會。

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