  • 1 # edakn45090

    叫Little Amadeus,歌詞是德語原版的,是Heinz Rudolf Kunze唱的。但歌曲是英語版的(央視放的就是這個版本)。英語版歌詞  Little Amadeus,two centuries ago Little Amadeus, the star of Rokoko*Master of harmonys Beautiful melodys operas and symphonys each one a master piece However there is an envious rival trying to put traps in your way But he"ll be always in the failing whenever you begin to play And when we hear your magic music our sorrows fly away Little Amadeus, your music and your songs Little Amadeus, they make the world go round no matter what will be with your fantasy You make it finally "cause music is the key透過英文歌詞的中文翻譯  少年莫扎特在兩個世紀前少年莫扎特洛可可*時代之星和聲大師動人的旋律歌劇和交響曲每一項都是偉大的傑作  儘管總有個嫉妒你的競爭者想在你的路上佈滿陷阱可是每當你開始演奏他總會失敗當我們聽到你神奇的音樂我們的悲傷消失得無影無蹤少年莫扎特你的音樂和歌曲少年莫扎特讓世界震驚   無論什麼發生你的奇蹟使它圓滿音樂是關鍵 德語版歌詞諧音  Little Amadeus/do/vast/dae/nen/cait/ Little Amadeus/ge/after/vai/den/kuait do/ha/mo/c/gen/mai hi/ta/e/turn/ti/shi/da I--/somo/si/shi/ni vea/dea/ge/a/de/shi/ni/ni/ do/bisk/ya/lo/five/a/soft/nade dear-dear/lai/hai/de/buy/na/shi/dand do/hu/bi/star/lish/da/s/dong/k/cang/sufei/in/a/leng/s/fa/ge/an/friend/ dae/fas/wea/mo/thi/bu/shi/bi/len/lai/shi/de/dang/sa/et Little Amadeus I /meng/da/can/to/s/do Little Amadeus o/I/like/han/s/do hoo/heig/de/hai/seng/ge vai/sang/si/hena/de/late/

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