  • 1 # 追逐那個被期待的自己

    When the rainIs blowing in your face當雨落在你臉頰And the whole worldIs on your case當世界將你拋下I could offer youA warm embrace我可以給你一個溫暖的擁抱To make you feel my love讓你感受到 我的愛When the evening shadowsAnd the stars appear當夜幕低垂星光點點And there is no one thereTo dry your tears當沒人替你拂去淚眼I could hold youFor a million years我可以摟著你 百萬年To make you feel my love讓你感受到 我的愛I know youhaven"t made我知道你還沒有Your mind up yet下定決心But I would never但我永遠不會Do you wrong讓你傷心I"ve known it我確信From the momentThat we met從我們相遇的那刻起No doubt in my mind我就從未懷疑Where you belong你該屬於誰I"d go hungry我食不下咽I"d go black and blue我低落消沉I"d go crawlingDown the avenue我步履蹣跚 徘徊在林陰小路No, there"s nothingThat I wouldn"t do我願為你做任何事To make you feel my love讓你感受到 我的愛The storms are raging狂風在怒吼On the rolling sea在翻滾的浪潮上And on thehighway of regret在悔恨的航線上Though winds of changeAre throwing wild and free雖然多變的風正在肆虐You ain"t seen nothing但這一切你都不會看到Like me yet因我已替你擋去I could make you happy我可以讓你開心Make your dreams come true美夢成真Nothing that I wouldn"t do我可以為你去做任何事Go to the endsOf the Earth for you為你走到天涯海角To make you feel my love讓你感受到 我的愛To make you feel my love讓你感受到 我的愛

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 樹袋熊是一種什麼動物?