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    function xc = bisection(f,a,b,tol)

    % use the bisection method to find the root of the function

    % Page 30,computer problem 7(Bisection method)

    % input:

    % f:the function that transform from the equation

    % a,b:the left and right value of the interval which the root is in% tol:the accuracy

    % output:

    % xc:the solution of the equationif sign(f(a)) * sign(f(b)) >=0


    disp("The function should at least include 3 parameters");endif nargin == 3

    tol = 10^-6;endwhile (b-a)/2 > tol

    c = (a + b)/2;

    if f(c) == 0 % when f(c) == 0,c is a root of the function



    if f(a) * f(c)

    % a and c form a new interval

    b = c; else % c and b form a new interval

    a = c; endendxc = (a+b)/2; % the mid_rang is the root that we find

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