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    出自Tumblr的一個賬號dictionary of perceptible joys,這個賬號是自己組詞並po出來的。但是他的詞都是從各個字典中挑出一些詞綴,不僅是英文詞典。



    n. the tenderness you feel when someone shares an idea, a photo, a song, a passage etc., accompanied by a note that conveys that you were the face that came to the forefront of his mind when this thing first occupied his senses- that you’ve organically nestled your way into this other person’s cortices so that he no longer just sees remote objects in time and space, but rather a set of associations that lead back to you- recovering you once again from the self-inflicted fallacy of aloneness.


    I am actually the source of these words. Taking to the same spirit of John Koenig’s Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows, I build the words by combining other words that mean something similar etymologically (in English and in other languages). My hope is to define and characterize feelings and emotions that others may relate to.

    As the American lexicographer Erin McKean finely put it, “If you love a word, use it- that makes it real. Being in the dictionary is an arbitrary distinction; it doesn’t make a word any more real than any other way. If you love a word, it becomes real.”

    I’m just creating words for those pleasures in my own life that have yet to be spelled out in a single, operative word.

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