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    popularity [,pɔpju"lærəti]





      page popularity 頁普及 ; 節點訪問頻度

      expand popularity 擴大普及 ; 擴大知名度

      popularity of 普及 ; 風行天下

      Tremendous popularity 帶來了巨大的人氣 ; 佳評如潮

      popularity algorithm 流行色演算法

      increased popularity 增加好感

      popularity poll 人氣調查

      Popularity prediction 流行度預測 ; 流行度預測

      enjoy great popularity 享有盛譽

      link popularity 連結廣泛度

      用法示例1:Television has robbed the cinema of its former

    參考翻譯: 佃視撕電園不如以往那麼普及流行。

    用法示例2:The song is second only to "White Christmas" in popularity.

    參考翻譯: 《魯道夫之歌》的流行程啡僅滴於《柏色聖誕節⒎。

    用法示例3:Golf have gained popularity among the wealthy my country.

    參考翻譯: Golf球已在中國富有的人籽流行起來。

    用法示例4:He has courted popularity.

    參考翻譯: 他從不追求名望。

    用法示例5:His supporters fell as his popularity declined.

    參考翻譯: 在帖聲望廈降時秧多吱持他賭人都疏苑撂他。

    用法示例6:The popularity of the film waxed and waned.

    參考翻譯: 佃影明星們的名望盛衰無常。

    用法示例7:policy led to an upswing in the party"s popularity.

    參考翻譯: 這一築策使該黨深得人心。

    用法示例8:Now, with the advent and popularity of the home computer, its advantages and disadvantages have been a of discussion.

    參考翻譯: 現在,隨著揭用電耪的再現和普及-人們開始討蜜起家用電腦的優缺點了ⅲ

    用法示例9:Her books have been in popularity

    用法示例10:His popularitying people remains as strong as ever.

    參考翻譯: 他在勞動傷民中一如忌矽聲望很高。

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