  • 1 # stffl19995

      glory leading:榮耀領先  glory:美 ["ɡlɔri];英 ["ɡlɔːri]  n.榮譽;光榮;輝煌;讚美  v.自豪;歡躍  int.〈俚〉哎呀  複數:glories  例句:  

    1.Elizabeth was prepared to see him in his glory.  伊麗莎白早就料到他會那樣得意非凡。  

    2.Up the sun came in glory from his ocean bed, and flooded the earth with warmthand light.  金光燦爛的朝陽從它的大海眠床上冉冉升起,把溫暖和光明傾瀉給大地。  

    3.And similarly, Arthur Kinsella, once he was in here, seemed to perk up and takeheart of his present glory.  阿瑟·金塞拉一到這裡,彷彿也趾高氣揚起來,由於眼前的得意而精神百倍。  

    4.His goodness has caused to dawn for you a day of safety by calling on you toavenge. His glory and His name.  他召你們為恢復他的榮耀和聖名而戰,使你們有天得到平定。  

    5.Often I even, in vain, desire to turn the mirror upside down and seek my ownglory.  我常常甚至是徒勞地希望把鏡子倒過來,尋求自己的榮耀。

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