  • 1 # 米果520

    Cry On My Shoulder

    If the hero never comes to you 一副黑肉訥吳康死吐油

    If you need someone You’re feeling blue.一副油膩桑往油額菲林不露

    If you wait for love and you’re alone 一副油為佛了吳按丟額龍

    If you call your friends nobody’s home 一副油刻油負人次no巴蒂斯哄

    You can run away but you can’t hide 油看軟額胃唄特油坑特海得

    Through a storm and through a lonely night肉啊死東安斯如啊龍利耐

    Then I’ll show you there’s a destiny 然愛修油熱日啊得死特膩

    The best things in life they are free 熱唄死應絲應來福 惹啊赴瑞

    But if you wanna cry, Cry on my shoulder 爸一副油瓦納快,快昂買修得

    If you need someone Who cares for you 一副油膩桑往乎刻額死佛有

    If you’re feeling sad your heart gets colder 一副油額費琳撒喲哈特給次扣得

    Yes I show you what real love can do 噎死愛修油哇蕊額了吳看度

    If your sky is grey oh let me know 一副喲死該一日貴哦肋米漏

    There’s a place in heaven where we’ll go 熱日啊撲肋死因黑文為額威額夠

    If heaven is a million years away 一副黑文日啊繆琳也日啊為

    Oh just call me and I’ll make your day 哦假死刻米安愛額美刻喲嘚

    When the nights are getting cold and blue 問熱耐次啊給琳扣額俺的不露

    When the days are getting hard for you 問熱嘚死啊給林哈佛油

    I will always stay by your side 愛為哦威日死得擺喲賽

    I promise you I’ll never hide 愛破若迷死有愛呢吳海

    But if you wanna cry Cry on my shoulder 爸一副油瓦納快,快昂買修得

    If you need someone Who cares for you 一副油膩桑往乎刻額死佛有

    If you’re feeling sad Your heart gets colder 一副油額費琳撒喲哈特給次扣得

    Yes I show you what real love can do 也死愛修油哇蕊額了吳看度

    But if you wanna cry, Cry on my shoulder爸一副油瓦納快,快昂買修得

    If you need someone Who cares for you一副油膩桑往乎刻額死佛有

    If you’re feeling sad your heart gets colder 一副油額費琳撒喲哈特給次扣得

    Yes I show you what real love can do 噎死愛修油哇蕊額了吳看度

    what love can do哇了吳看度。。

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