  • 1 # 英語天地

    只背單詞是遠遠不夠的。這是因為1 這樣背下來的單詞很容易忘,而且也不知道單詞的用法。

    2 正是因為不知道單詞的用法,你還是很難看懂那些閱讀理解資料,完形填空也比較困難,因為完形填空不僅考察單詞的意思,而且還考察單詞的相應變化形式。

    3 書山有路勤為徑,要想學好英語,還是要遵循科學的學習方法,學習英語是沒什麼速成的方法的。

  • 2 # 龍興文老師


  • 3 # IG精選美圖影片


    上述都是和輸入知識有關的(input), 而要想在考試和日常交流中中,有輸出能力,那麼就要多結合語境或創造語境去練習表達能力。而這同樣依賴於語法學習。你可以說不刻意學語法的孩子一樣能學好英語,但是他們絕不是隻學習單詞,而是透過有效輸入和輸出來習得一門語言,但這是有年齡限制的,一旦過了12歲之後,再想透過這種方式,不學語法,就很難了,這和人腦的語言習得與學習機制有關。



    No you can not just learn vocabulary. When learning a foreign or second language, it"s not enough to just learn vocabulary. Vocabulary is the foundation of language acquisition while grammar is the most important thing thta enables you to master the language. At a starting point, comprehensive input (involves vocabulary) is enough. However, if a person want yo improve their competence, he needs to learn grammar and to practice. Some phenomena involve language acquisition show that a person can acquire a second language without learning grammar. Yet this only happens in the certain period (sensitive period).

    Therefore, language learner should not only learn the language but be fammilar with the grammar as well. Some suggestions includes watching English movies and imitation. Moreover, interaction is also important. You can find a partner to practice oral communication.

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