  • 1 # 格調616377336

    1.Everyday is a beautiful day.

    2.Each day is a fantastic day.

    每天:everyday,each day

    注意:everyday :(網路)每天,每一天

    例句:1.No matter what happens to us in the future, everyday we are together is the greatest day of my life. I will always be yours. 無論未來何去何從,我們在一起的每一天都是我人生中最為輝煌的日子。我永遠屬於你。2.Each day of your trip has either twenty - five or twenty - three hours. 你旅行的每一天要麼是25小時,要麼就是23小時.


    例句:1.It"s been a beautiful evening and you have made it all possible. 那是個美好的夜晚,你讓一切成為可能。2.Like the best stories, this one may yet have a happy end. 就像最精彩的故事那樣,這個故事也許仍會有個美好的結局。3.Despite the unsettled weather, we had a marvellous weekend. 儘管天氣一會兒好一會兒差,我們仍然度過了一個美好的週末。4.My mother, who had a sheltered upbringing, has fantastic memories of childhood. 我媽媽在呵護下長大,對童年有著非常美好的回憶。

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