  • 1 # 影片好笑

    1 Wash potatoes, cut the bottom of these potatoes, repair flat, flat on the board, cut into pieces first, and then shred. Prepare a pot of water and drip a little vinegar, then put the preparedpotatoes in it for a while, after that rinse and drain.2.Prepare some green chills, some pepper, 8 dry red chills, a litter chopped onions.3.Put some oil in the pot, when the oil heated, put some pepper in it, and after you smelled the pepper flavor (not burnt the pepper to a cinder), turn off the gas, picked up the pepper and thrower it.4.Turn on the gas again, when the oil heated about seventy percent, put the dry red chillsin it, after you smelled the sharp taste then put into the chopped onions, putthe potatoes into the pot for about 2 minutes. Followed pour vinegar, soysauce, sugar and salt fry for 1 minute, add the green chills, continue to fryfor about 1 minute, and then finished.

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