  • 1 # 使用者7353409071986

    “鼻子”的英文nose讀音:英 [nəʊz] 美 [noz] 釋義:

    1、n. 鼻子;嗅覺;突出的部分;探問

    2、vt. 嗅;用鼻子觸

    3、vi. 小心探索著前進;探問 Roman Nose鷹鉤鼻 nose angle刀角 running nose流鼻涕 例句: 1、They emit high frequency pulses of sound through their mouth or nose which bounce off surfaces and objects around them. 它們透過嘴或鼻子發出高頻脈衝聲,這些脈衝聲碰到周圍的表面或物體就會反射回來。 2、Later I have an itchy nose, and, in no time at all, it is scratched. 再後來,我覺得鼻子有點癢,幾乎不用任何時間,我就去抓了一下。

  • 2 # 使用者11192151140

    nose 英 [nəʊz]     美 [noʊz]     釋義:n. 鼻子;突出部分;嗅覺;v. 嗅到;探聽 過去式: nosed 過去分詞: nosed 現在分詞: nosing 第三人稱單數: noses 例句 用作名詞 (n.)

    1、He quirked up his nose to make a face. 他鼻子一揚作了個鬼臉。

    2、I wrinkled up my nose at the nasty smell. 我聞到那股難聞的味,皺起了鼻子。

    3、The child pressed her nose against the window. 那小女孩把鼻子貼在窗戶上。

    4、Insert the nose of the staple remover firmly under the staple. 將起釘機的尖端牢固地插在縫合釘的下面。 用作動詞 (v.) 1、The dog nosed out a rat. 那隻狗聞到了老鼠的氣味。 2、If there is anything wrong with the car, he can nose it out. 要是汽車出了什麼毛病,他就能覺察出來。

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