  • 1 # 想吃西瓜的啵啵

    Vinegar-pepper shredded potatoes(酸辣土豆絲)

    ingredients:(原料) Potatoes(1200g), red pepper(15g), Chinese prickly ash(1 teaspoon), caraway(some), white vinegar(1/4 cup), garlic(4 velvulae), salt(a pinch of), Monosodium Glutamate(some),groundnut oil(2 tbsp).土豆、紅椒、花椒、香菜、白醋、蒜、鹽、味精、花生油。


    (1)Clean red pepper and cut it into silk; and made the caraway cut off and the garlic cut into slices. 紅椒洗淨切絲,香菜切斷,蒜切片。

    (2)Clean potatoes and remove the peel, slenderly cut it into silk. And then take it into water for cleaning farina. So it will be crisp after stir-fried.土豆去皮切絲,越細越好哦,切好的土豆絲放涼水裡浸泡,洗去澱粉,這樣炒出來脆爽。

    (3)Put edible oil into pan and heat up.When the edible oil have heated, put the Chinese prickly ash into ,and then put garlic until it sent out the scented smell.鍋內放油,油熱後放花椒,炸出香味,放入蒜片爆香。

    (4)Feedput shredded potatoes and keep it turning over,meanwhile put white vinegar ,salt and red pepper with turning over quickly.放入土豆絲翻炒,放白醋和鹽,動作要快哦,放入紅椒絲快速翻炒。

    (5)At last,when shredded potatoes will be done,put caraway and monosodium glutamate and turn over several times. The vinegar-pepper shredded potatoes is done.最後放入香菜和味精翻炒均勻即可。

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