  • 1 # 不會畫畫的老船長


    I am full of holes, I can hold water. What am i? 我全身都是洞,我卻能裝水,我是什麼?

    What gets wet when drying? (這個答案是毛巾,此句我也不太理解,求指教)

    What are two things people never eat before breakfast? 吃早飯前從來不吃的二種東西。

    What is it the more you take away the larger it becomes? 什麼東西你拿走的越多它變得越大?

    what has two hands and a face,but no arms and legs? 什麼東西有2隻手一張臉,卻沒有手臂和腿。

    What can"t be used until it"s broken?什麼東西不弄壞沒法用?

    what has 4 legs and only 1 foot? 什麼東西有四條腿卻只有一隻腳?

    What has many keys but can"t open any doors? 什麼東西有很多鑰匙卻不能開門?(key考的一詞多意)

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    3.north pole, white

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 超市的安全管理員具體是做什麼工作的啊?