最後技嘉釋出迴應:“Can confirm this is a typo, sorry guys.A couple things - First no such card exists (seriously!) second if you don"t believe me and think it does exist look at the typical turn round for high endmodels...AORUS cards usually come 1-2 weeks after the launch of the GIGABYTE cards (IE Gaming OC, Windforce.) This promotion ends Nov 15th.That means in less than a month you would see a new card, never before even rumored, then the high end variant, all in the next 30 days.Not to mention that 30 days includes skuing up and selling in what appears to be Singapore, a market that again usually lags behind in on the shelf availability.”
11月1日是國外的萬聖節,並不是國際愚人節,但偏偏技嘉鬧出了個大烏龍。為了配合RTX 2070顯示卡上市,技嘉官網做了一個萬聖節活動,只要你買技嘉AORUS RTX 2070 Ti/RTX 2070顯示卡,就可以免費獲得一件限定版的AORUS T-shirt。等等,前天釋出的不是RTX 2070顯示卡嗎?這個RTX 2070 Ti是不小心洩露了?其實就目前情況而言RTX 2070 Ti顯示卡是“不存在”,因此技嘉官方很快回應這是筆誤,型號寫錯了,RTX 2070 Ti是沒有的啦。
前天解禁的是RTX 2070,使用了完整版的TU106-400核心,已經是完完全全的滿血版。因此RTX 2070 Ti即便是存在的,也只能用RTX 2080的TU104核心打造,RTX 2080的GPU核心是TU104-400,只用上了46組,還有預留有2組空缺的;RTX 2070顯示卡使用的是TU106-400核心,36組SM單元;那麼RTX 2070 Ti SM單元數目應該會在36-46組之間折中,40?42?感覺NVIDIA不會那麼笨出效能差距這麼小的顯示卡,反正現在AMD RX NAVI都沒有釋出,高階顯示卡都被NVIDIA獨佔了。等AMD推出有威脅性產品再出RTX 2070 Ti都不遲。
最後技嘉釋出迴應:“Can confirm this is a typo, sorry guys.A couple things - First no such card exists (seriously!) second if you don"t believe me and think it does exist look at the typical turn round for high endmodels...AORUS cards usually come 1-2 weeks after the launch of the GIGABYTE cards (IE Gaming OC, Windforce.) This promotion ends Nov 15th.That means in less than a month you would see a new card, never before even rumored, then the high end variant, all in the next 30 days.Not to mention that 30 days includes skuing up and selling in what appears to be Singapore, a market that again usually lags behind in on the shelf availability.”
所以大家就不用擔心買了RTX 2070立馬就掉坑啦,放心買吧。