  • 1 # 學歷提升小姜妹兒

    cry 哭泣

    somebody shakes when the wind blows 風兒吹著 人兒抖動

    somebody"s missing a friend 有人失去了朋友

    hold on 咬緊牙關

    somebody"s lacking a hero 有人失去了英雄

    and they have not a clue when it"s all gonna end 大家都摸不清頭緒 世事的盡頭何時出現

    stories buried and untold someone is hiding the truth 真相遭到掩飾與密封 有人隱藏事實

    hold on 咬緊牙關

    when will this mystery unfold 秘密何時暴光?

    and will the sun ever shine in the blind man"s eyes when he cries? 盲人哭泣的時候 Sunny還會在他的眼裡閃耀光芒嗎?

    you can change the world 你可以改變世界

    (i can"t do it by myself)(我一個人做不到)

    you can touch the sky 你可以直觸天際

    (gonna take somebody"s help)(我需要一臂之力)

    you"re the chosen one 你就是眾望所託

    (i"m gonna need some kind of sign) (我需要徵兆引領)

    if we all cry at the same time tonight 假如今夜眾人同時哭泣

    people laugh when they are feeling sad 人們傷感時常用笑聲掩蓋

    someone is taking a life 有人在努力過活

    hold on 咬緊牙關

    respect to believe in your dream 堅信你的夢想

    stell me where were you when your children cried last night? 昨夜孩子哭泣的時候你究竟在哪兒?

    faces fill with madness Miracles unheard of 瘋狂不安的臉孔 奇蹟不再顯靈

    hold on 咬緊牙關

    faith is found in the winds all we have to do is reach for the truth 風兒吹來信念的影蹤 我們最該做的就是尋找真相

    and when that flag blows there"ll be no more wars 當旗幟揚起 世上不再有戰爭

    and when all calls i will answer all your prayers 當眾人呼喚時 我將會實現你的祈願


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