  • 1 # 佳期如夢將至

    中文翻譯:找不到檔案,沒有找到檔案。findFile查詢包含字串的檔案,並列出該字串在該檔案所在的列。not find說明是沒有找到該檔案。

    一般這種情況的提示發生在編碼時候,需要呼叫檔案資訊的時候。第一個引數:要查詢的字串。系統的find命令並不會在子目錄中查詢,而findFile會在子目錄中查詢第二個引數:查詢字串的檔案。支援正規表達是。findFile只會列出包含字串的檔案,而系統的find命令還會列出沒有包含字串的檔案。例句:System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not find file.問題提出:I know that it has been discussed before. I have been looking through the forums, but could not find the exact answer to this error. So, I am trying to open a Deck.txt file with some user info from the script. I have created the file manually, and am not trying to read it.

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