  • 1 # 手機使用者啊9933

    sign up和sign in的區別:

    1、sign up 的意思是註冊報名, 跟…簽訂合同。

    2、sign in 的意思是登入,簽到,透過簽字(使)取得入場權,畫到。拓展資料sign up的用法1、He signed up as a steward with P& O Lines 他簽約了P&O航運公司,成為了一名乘務員。2、He saw the song"s potential, and persuaded the company to sign her up. 他看到了這首歌的潛力,就說服公司和她簽約。

    3、Lisa: I"ll sign up tomorrow. 麗莎:我明天就要去報名了。

    4、Can I sign up for this course in advance? 我能事先申請上這一課程嗎?

    5、Maybe you and me should sign up. 也許你和我也可以去登記。sign in的用法1、I signed in and crunched across the gravel to my room. 我簽到後嘎吱嘎吱走過石子路來到我的房間。2、All the participants were required to sign in as they entered the hall to attend the meeting.出席會議的人在進入大廳前均須簽到。3、You can sign in right there. 你可以就簽在那。4、I put the negation sign in front of that. 我在前面寫上否定的標誌。5、The flow then continues as in the Sign in process. 然後該流將像在“登入”流程中那樣繼續進行。

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