1.prove+名詞/代詞 He has proved his courage in the battle.他已在作戰中證明了他的勇氣. This further proved the strength of our economy.這進一步證明了我們的經濟實力. Can you prove that?你能證實那一點嗎?
2.prove+直接賓語(sth.)+to+間接賓語(sb.) The difficulty was how he could prove his ideas to other scientists.困難在於他怎樣向其他科學家證實他的想法. Can you prove your theory to us?你能向我們證實你的理論嗎?
(1)形容詞作賓語補足語 They proved themselves wise and brave.他們證實自己機智、勇敢. Facts have proved these worries groundless.事實證明,這些憂慮是沒有理由的.
(2)名詞作賓語補足語 She proved herself an able secretary.她證實自己是個能幹的秘書. He has proved himself a success.他已證明了自己是個成功者.
(3)動詞不定式作賓語補足語 All this proved him to be an honest man.這一切都證明他是一個誠實的人. The experiment proved his theory to be important to our research.實驗證明他的理論對我們的研究是重要的.
4.prove+賓語從句 Galileo proved that the earth and all other planets move around the sun.伽利略證實地球和所有其它的行星都是繞太陽運轉的. But Einstein was able to prove that light coming from the stars was bent as it passed the sun. 然而愛因斯坦卻能證明從恆星來的光線當其經過太陽時變彎曲了. Can you prove where you were on May 10th?你能證實五月十日你在什麼地方嗎?
二、prove作"證明是;結果是;事實說明"解時,用作連繫動詞,可用於以下句型: 1.prove+形容詞 The handbook proved most useful.這本手冊證明很有用. The medicine proved satisfactory.結果證明這藥療效令人滿意.
2.prove+名詞 She proved a very strict teacher.結果證明她是一位非常嚴格的老師. His efforts, however, proved a failure.但他的努力結果都失敗了.
3.prove+介詞短語或副詞 Perhaps this book will prove of some use to you in your studies.也許這本書會對你的研究有用處. The power station was completed and proved up to standard.這座發電站建成了,證明質量符合標準.
4.prove+動詞不定式 As time went on, Einstein"s theory proved to be correct.隨著時間的推移,愛因斯坦的理論證明是正確的. She may prove to be the most suitable person for the job.結果她可能是最適合幹這項工作的人. -------------------------------------- 用作連繫動詞,無被動語態
prove是個常用動詞,也是一個多義動詞.由於它的用法比較複雜,現歸納如下 一、prove作"證明;證實"解時,用法如下:
1.prove+名詞/代詞 He has proved his courage in the battle.他已在作戰中證明了他的勇氣. This further proved the strength of our economy.這進一步證明了我們的經濟實力. Can you prove that?你能證實那一點嗎?
2.prove+直接賓語(sth.)+to+間接賓語(sb.) The difficulty was how he could prove his ideas to other scientists.困難在於他怎樣向其他科學家證實他的想法. Can you prove your theory to us?你能向我們證實你的理論嗎?
(1)形容詞作賓語補足語 They proved themselves wise and brave.他們證實自己機智、勇敢. Facts have proved these worries groundless.事實證明,這些憂慮是沒有理由的.
(2)名詞作賓語補足語 She proved herself an able secretary.她證實自己是個能幹的秘書. He has proved himself a success.他已證明了自己是個成功者.
(3)動詞不定式作賓語補足語 All this proved him to be an honest man.這一切都證明他是一個誠實的人. The experiment proved his theory to be important to our research.實驗證明他的理論對我們的研究是重要的.
4.prove+賓語從句 Galileo proved that the earth and all other planets move around the sun.伽利略證實地球和所有其它的行星都是繞太陽運轉的. But Einstein was able to prove that light coming from the stars was bent as it passed the sun. 然而愛因斯坦卻能證明從恆星來的光線當其經過太陽時變彎曲了. Can you prove where you were on May 10th?你能證實五月十日你在什麼地方嗎?
二、prove作"證明是;結果是;事實說明"解時,用作連繫動詞,可用於以下句型: 1.prove+形容詞 The handbook proved most useful.這本手冊證明很有用. The medicine proved satisfactory.結果證明這藥療效令人滿意.
2.prove+名詞 She proved a very strict teacher.結果證明她是一位非常嚴格的老師. His efforts, however, proved a failure.但他的努力結果都失敗了.
3.prove+介詞短語或副詞 Perhaps this book will prove of some use to you in your studies.也許這本書會對你的研究有用處. The power station was completed and proved up to standard.這座發電站建成了,證明質量符合標準.
4.prove+動詞不定式 As time went on, Einstein"s theory proved to be correct.隨著時間的推移,愛因斯坦的理論證明是正確的. She may prove to be the most suitable person for the job.結果她可能是最適合幹這項工作的人. -------------------------------------- 用作連繫動詞,無被動語態