  • 1 # 使用者朱珠媽


    一、keep doing堅持做某事 

    1、I want to keep doing this while I am not thankful for the user"s number.


    2、I think that we"ll just keep doing what we"re doing, you know?


    二、enjoy doing喜歡做某事 

    1、Do you enjoy doing independent research?


    2、I really enjoy doing the promotion this time!


    三、finish doing完成做某事 

    1、Every time after I finish doing Taijiquan, I feel like a new person.


    2、You can"t go out and play before you finish doing your homework.


    四、mind doing介意做某事 

    1、I don"t mind doing some drudge along the way just to take the mind off for a while.


    2、But Siddhartha did not mind doing this.


    五、consider doing考慮做某事 

    1、If you have doubts, consider doing some additional analysis.


    2、You might want to consider doing something similar.


    擴充套件:後接doing的片語有 :be used to <習慣於> can`t help <情不自禁> can`t stand<無法忍受> give up <放棄> go on<繼續> feel like<想要> keep on<繼續做某事> insist on<堅持> look forward to<盼望> put off<推遲> devote to<致力於> stick to<堅持> object to<反對> thank you for<感謝> be busy<忙於> get down to<靜下心做某事> have difficut/trouble <in> <做某事有困難> 還有一些動詞後面可加to do形式,可加-ing 形式的 例如: forget to do sth 忘記去做某事 doing sth 忘記已經做過某事 remember to do sth 記住去做某事 doing sth 記得曾經做過某事 stop to do sth 停下來接著去做另一件事 doing sth 停止做某事 mean to do sth 企圖做某事 doing sth 意味著做某事 go on to do sth 做完某事接著去做另一件事 doing sth 繼續做同一件事 try to do sth 試圖做某事 doing sth 嘗試著做某事 can`t help to do sth 不能幫助做某事 doing sth 情不自禁地做某事 還有一些動詞後可接名詞如: be worth +n <這件東西>值多少<錢> +doing 值得做某事 還有動詞後必須加sb然後才可接to do 形式如: allow / advise / forbid / permit + sb to do sth <允許> <建議> <禁止> <允許> + doing sth

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