  • 1 # 開心時刻003

    有風的的英文:windywindy英 [ˈwɪndi] 美 [ˈwɪndi]adj.有風的;腹脹的;吹牛的;空談的1、It was windy and Jake felt cold.風很大,傑克覺得很冷。2、It was a cold, windy, overcast afternoon in Washington.這是華盛頓一個寒風料峭、天空陰沉的下午。擴充套件資料同類詞:windiness英 ["wɪndɪnɪs] 美 ["wɪndɪnɪs]n.多風Windiness varies, and an average value for a given location does not alone indicate the amount of energy a wind turbine could produce there.有風變化,並且平均值為一個被測量的地點單獨不表明風渦輪可能導致那裡的相當數量能量。反義詞:windless英 [ˈwɪndləs] 美 [ˈwɪndləs]adj.無風的,平穩的,喘不過氣的1、It"s a windless day today.今天是個風平浪靜的日子。2、It"s windless and warm in the morning.早晨,幾乎無風,很暖。

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