  • 1 # lanfengz1

    1 他對我最好了

    He treats me best / treat sb well / badly

    treats me best 可以來翻譯.

    2 他對每個人都很好,大家都非常喜歡他。

    He is friendly to everyone and is popular with them.

    3 雖然我們從沒有見過面 / 雖然這是我們第一次見面

    Though we have never met / though this is the first time we have met // though this is our first meeting.

    4 在這麼多朋友中,只有你是對我最好的。

    Of so many friends of mine, only you are the friendliest to me / you treat me best .

    5 我們之間沒什麼好聊的,所以 以後不要再聯絡了。

    We have nothing to talk / chat about with each other, so let"s not contact again.

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