  • 1 # atdef2887

    《May it be》 May it be an evening star  祝願夜幕明星   Shines down upon you  將光華鋪撒滿你身  May it be when darkness falls   祈願當黑暗降臨時  Your heart will be true   你的心依然堅定   You walk a lonely road   你孤身一人在路上  Oh! How far you are from home   啊,你已離家那麼遙遠   Mornie utúlië (darkness has come)  莫尼耶,烏圖利耶 (黑暗即將來臨)  Believe and you will find your way   信仰會指引你的方向   Mornie alantië (darkness has fallen)  莫尼耶,阿蘭蒂艾(黑暗即將離去)  A promise lives within you now   這諾言從今與你同在  May it be the shadows call   祈願黑暗的召喚   Will fly away   終將煙消雲散   May it be you journey on   祝願你在旅途上  To light the day   從不黯淡   When the night is overcome   當黑夜不再讓你畏懼   You may rise to find the sun   你將起來,看到太陽  Mornie utúlië (darkness has come)  黑暗已經來臨   Believe and you will find your way   信仰會指引你的方向   Mornie alantië (darkness has fallen)  黑暗即將離去  A promise lives within you now   這諾言從今與你同在

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