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    歌劇Wraith_主題曲 The phantom of opera


    sleep he sang to me, 他為沉睡中的我歌唱

    in dreams he came ... 他從我的夢中而來 that voice which calls to me 那聲音在呼喚著我 and speaks my name ... 呼喊著我的名字 For now I find 但現在的我卻發現

    the Phantom of the Opera is there 歌劇Wraith就在那兒

    inside my mind ... 在我的心中PHANTOMSing once again with me 請再一次與我歌唱

    our strange duet ... 唱起我倆非同尋常的二重奏

    My power over you 讓我的力量陪伴著你 grows stronger yet ... 更加茁壯的成長

    And though you turn from me, 雖然你轉過身來

    to glance behind, 在我身後只是匆匆一瞥 the Phantom of the Opera is there 但歌劇Wraith已在這兒 inside your mind ... 在你的心中CHRISTINEThose who have seen your face 那些看到過你面孔的人們

    draw back in fear ... 都因害怕而退縮

    I am the mask you wear ... 而我卻是你所佩戴的面具

    PHANTOMIt"s me they hear ... 對,在你面前的正是傳說中的歌劇Wraith

    BOTHYour/My spirit and your/my voice, 你我的歌聲與靈魂

    in one combined: 已經結合在一起

    the Phantom of the Opera is there 因為歌劇Wraith就在這兒

    inside your/my mind ... 在你我的心中PHANTOMIn all your fantasies, 從你所有的幻想中

    you always knew 你應該早就知道 that man and mystery ... 有那麼一個人和那些神秘的事CHRISTINE ... were both in you ... 而你就是那個神秘的男子

    BOTHAnd in this labyrinth, 在這迷宮裡

    where night is blind, 漆黑一片

    the Phantom of the Opera is there/here 歌劇Wraith就在這 我的音樂天使

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