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    All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.


    every man Jack 每人;人人

    Jack of all trades and master of none 萬事皆通而一無所長的人;“三腳貓”

    Jack-of-all trades “萬事通”

    Jack on/of both sides 模稜兩可,兩面派

    Jack at a pinch 臨時拉來幫忙/湊數的人

    ball the jack 孤注一擲

    before one can say Jack Robinson [口]馬上, 突然; 一會兒

    play the jack with sb. 欺騙(某人); 開(某人)玩笑

    Jack and Jill 男男女女

    Jack among the maids 向女人獻殷勤的男子

    Jack in the water 碼頭打雜工

    cheep Jack 賣廉價貨物的小販

    Jack in office 自命不凡的小官吏,官僚

    Jack is as good as his master.


    Yellow Jack 指醫學上的“黃熱病”

    the Union Jack 英聯合王國國旗

    Jack of straw 稻草人

    Jacks 可指“英鎊”

    jack 千斤頂

    lumberjack 伐木工人

    Jack-a-dandy 花花公子

    jackpot 意外的成功;發外財

    make one"s jack 發財

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