  • 1 # 使用者6418712667733

    across adv.穿過,越過 prep.穿過;在……對面 片語:across from 在……對面 區分: cross 是動詞;across 是介詞 過馬路的兩種表達 1 go across the road =2 cross the road across/cross/through/pass/past辨析 across是橫穿過 walk across the street=cross the street through是穿過(從內部)go through the forest 穿過森林 pass是動詞,後面直接跟賓語。 When he passed the door,the telephone began to ring. 當他走過這個門的時候,電話鈴開始響了。 past是介詞,繞過 He went past the small tree.他繞過小樹走了。 past還可以表示時間。 a quarter past five 5:15分 half past seven 七點半

  • 2 # maimi32709

    across作副詞用,表示橫過Can you jump across?你能跳過去嗎?作介詞用,表示在……對面,交叉,橫過He stared at the Englishman across the table. 他兩眼一直盯著坐在桌子對面的那個英華人(此情況可用across from代替意思一樣)The two lines cut across each other.兩條線相互交叉。(這裡的cut across可用crosses代替意思一樣)across from僅作介詞,表示在……對面如:The house is across from our school.這幢房子在我們學校對面。

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