  • 1 # 1152048498

    White knuckles and sweaty palms from hanging on too tight.  神經過度緊繃 關節泛白 手心冒汗  Clench of jaw, I’ve got another headache again tonight.  咬牙切齒的聽完你的嘮叨 這又是一個讓人頭痛的不眠之夜  Eyes on fire, eyes on fire, and the burn from all the tears.  眼中怒火熊熊 眼中怒火燎燎 眼中怒火只因昔日千尺淚水  I’ve been crying, I’ve been crying, I’ve been dying over you  淚水如洪哭到天昏地暗 為你我生不如死  Tie a knot in the rope, try na to hold, try na to hold,  紅繩繫結 試圖將你抓緊 我試圖將你縛牢  but there’s nothing to grab so I let go!![Hook:]  但我卻什麼也抓不住 所以我此放手  think I"ve finally had enough, I think I maybe think too much  我想我終於受夠了 我想也許是我想太多了  I think this might be it for us (blow me one last kiss)  也許這就是我們的結局 最後飛吻一個

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