  • 1 # 歐米亞科特

      I quickly:我很快  例句:  

    1.I quickly realized that she wasn"t the only one who thought like this.  我很快認識到,並不是只有她一個人這麼想。  

    2.For some, I imagine, this would be a disconcerting, frustrating  experience, but Iquickly got used to this linguistic interzone.  對一些人,我猜,這可能讓人沮喪,但是我很快習慣了這種語言區間帶。  

    3.I thought perhaps he wanted to ask me some difficult questions, so   I quicklycame in here with all the other visitors.  我想他可能要問我一些難以回答的問題,於是我混進參觀的遊客中,匆匆地走進這裡。   

    4.If I start complaining about schoolwork, I quickly recite, Education is the door tofreedom ten times in a row.  如果我開始抱怨作業太多我就連續十次地狂背教育是通向自由之門。

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