specialist clinic 專家門診內科專家門診 Internal Medicine Specialist Clinic外科特級專家門診 Senior Specialist Clinic中醫專家門診 TCM Specialist Clinic小兒骨科專家門診 Pediatric Orthopaedic Specialist Clinic矯形骨科專家門診 Orthopaedic Specialist Clinic耳鼻喉科專家門診 ENT Specialist Clinic擴充套件資料:clinic, hospital, sanatorium這組詞都和醫療單位有關。辨析如下:hospital是醫院的統稱,特指綜合醫院,也可指獸醫院; clinic指醫院等的門診部、私人診所、學校或機關等的醫務室,也指專科醫院或專科診所、醫院的各科; sanatorium一般指療養院、休養所,在英國有時也可指隔離室。例如:He went to the hospital to see his doctor yesterday.昨天他去醫院看病了。The outpatient clinic of this hospital was on the ground floor.這所醫院的門診部在一樓。The old man has been living in the sanatorium for two years.這位老人在這所療養院裡已住了兩年了。The boy had a high fever and was sent to the sanatorium.那男孩發高燒被送進了隔離室。
specialist clinic 專家門診內科專家門診 Internal Medicine Specialist Clinic外科特級專家門診 Senior Specialist Clinic中醫專家門診 TCM Specialist Clinic小兒骨科專家門診 Pediatric Orthopaedic Specialist Clinic矯形骨科專家門診 Orthopaedic Specialist Clinic耳鼻喉科專家門診 ENT Specialist Clinic擴充套件資料:clinic, hospital, sanatorium這組詞都和醫療單位有關。辨析如下:hospital是醫院的統稱,特指綜合醫院,也可指獸醫院; clinic指醫院等的門診部、私人診所、學校或機關等的醫務室,也指專科醫院或專科診所、醫院的各科; sanatorium一般指療養院、休養所,在英國有時也可指隔離室。例如:He went to the hospital to see his doctor yesterday.昨天他去醫院看病了。The outpatient clinic of this hospital was on the ground floor.這所醫院的門診部在一樓。The old man has been living in the sanatorium for two years.這位老人在這所療養院裡已住了兩年了。The boy had a high fever and was sent to the sanatorium.那男孩發高燒被送進了隔離室。