  • 1 # 一次多少cf

    accordance英 [əˈkɔ:dəns] 美 [əˈkɔrdns] n. 一致;和諧;給予 和諧; 授予; 符合; 調和 名詞 n.

    1.一致, 和諧, 符合 He acted in accordance with his beliefs.他按照自己的信念行事。

    2. 依照;依據短語介詞按照;依據 If something is done in accordance with a particular rule or system, it is done in the way that the rule or system says that it should be done. Entries which are not in accordance with the rules will be disqualified. 不符合規定的參賽作品將被取消資格。 1.Cancellation charges will apply in accordance with paragraph 4 above. 按照上面第四節條款內容應該支付登出費。 2. One"s opinion tends to differ in accordance with one"s standpoint. 不同的立場勢必形成不同的見解。

    3. She was dismissed in accordance with the company"s usual displinary procedures. 按照公司一般紀律程式,她被解僱了。

    4. We should make decisions in accordance with specific conditions. 我們應當根據具體情況做出決定。

    5. He acted in accordance with his beliefs. 他按照自己的信念行事。

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