  • 1 # 佳期如夢將至

    My schoolMy school is beautiful, there is a great playground and a library, there are a lot of flowers, you can hear the birds are singing in the morning! I came to school every day, can hear a model LangLangDe home, national and the students sang. I love this school中文翻譯;我的學校可漂亮了,那裡有一個很大的操場和圖書館,那裡有很多鮮花,早上可以聽見鳥兒在歌唱呢!每天我來到學校,都會聽見書聲琅琅的讀書聲,還有同學們的歡歌笑語。我愛這個學校

  • 2 # a不會愛的小笨蛋

    My school is very beautiful .I love my school .There are a lot of flowers and grass ,when we are free ,we always go to see the fiowers.Teachers are also very kind ,they usually help us with study.students are frendly, I always play with them. I have stayed there for 6 years ,and I love my school.

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 空調一般用多久要換雪種?