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    《青春》是席慕蓉的詩歌作品。歲月的流逝,青春不再,在陷落的驚悸中,人需得卻破解著亙古的謎題。但愛的力量造就了種種不朽,雨夜裡淒冷的流淚,開晴世界裡激奮的乞求,一切可愛的,不都源於這人類滿懷衝動的時節——青春。   中文版:青春   席慕容   所有的結局都已寫好   所有的淚水也都已啟程   卻忽然忘了是怎麼樣的一個開始   在那個古老的不再回來的夏日   無論我如何的去追索   年輕的你只如雲影掠過   而你微笑的面容極淺極淡   逐漸隱沒在日落後的群嵐   遂翻開那發黃的扉頁   命運將它裝訂的極為拙劣   含著淚 我一讀再讀   卻不得不承認   青春 是一本太倉促的書   【英譯文】   Each of the endings had been written   All the tears been already on the way   But how did it begin we’d forgotten   On that old unrepeatable summer’s day   No matter how I used to follow trace   Thee young, in the flashy floating cloudslost   A softest and faintest smile on thou face   Which day by day disappeared amidst   From hill to hill after the sun’s falling   Then the yellowish title page unfolded   Fortune made it with awfully binding   With tears again and again had I read   Being unwilling to admit the truth   All is rush written in the book of youth

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • “千言萬語”的意思是什麼?