  • 1 # 湯圓電影Vlog

    Because it can make me relax.

    使人放鬆的單詞有relaxing。relaxing 讀音:英 [rɪ"læksɪŋ] 美 [rɪ"læksɪŋ] 詞性:adj. 令人輕鬆的v. 放鬆;休息(relax的ing形式);緩和;鬆懈例句:I have nothing against relaxing on the beach. 我一點都不反對在沙灘上放鬆放鬆。We think that this would be relaxing and comfortable. 我麼認為這會是放鬆且舒服的。Relaxing foods can enhance your mood and state of mind. 放鬆食品可以改善你的情緒和精神狀態。Instead, it is a time for relaxing with friends, a time to shop, a time to have a party and it isespecially a time for romance. 相反,卻是一個能和朋友一起放鬆、購物、開派對的日子,尤其還有是一個能和戀人共同度過的浪漫節日。That"s actually relaxing for them, invigorating, because it fits who they are. 那對他們事實上就是放鬆,充沛精力,因為它適合他們。

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