  • 1 # 夜明月夜


    英 [desk] 美 [dɛsk]

    n. 辦公桌;服務檯;編輯部;(美)講道臺;樂譜架

    adj. 書桌的;桌上用的;伏案做的


    (1)He sat pouting in front of her desk. 他坐在她的書桌前,一副生氣的樣子。

    (2)She rummaged in the desk drawers for her notebook. 她在書桌抽屜裡翻找她的筆記本。

    (3)That selfish student always appropriates the biggest bookcase and desk. 那個自私的學生總是佔用最大的書櫥和書桌。

    (4)We"d better move the desk into the next room. 我們最好把這張書桌搬到隔壁房間去。

    (5)I put it on his desk. 我把它放在他的辦公桌上了。

    (6)Afterwards, she would be told to go back to her desk. 會議結束後,她只是被告知回到自己的辦公桌。

    (7)Like it or not, you’re going to spend many hours at your desk. 不管你是否喜歡,你還是要在你的辦公桌上過許多過小時。

    (8)If you have unlimited space, look for a bedroom suite that comes with a number of pieces, such as an armoire or matching desk and dressing table in addition to a chest and dresser. 如果你有無限的空間,除了一個櫃子和一個梳妝檯,你可以尋找一個由很多傢俱組成的臥室集錦傢俱,像大型衣櫥或是搭配的書桌和梳妝檯。

    (9)He had some statuettes in his study. They stood on a high cupboard behind his desk. 他的辦公室裡有一些小雕像,就在他書桌後面一個高高的櫥櫃上面。

    (10)There is a blue pen and a yellow notebook on her desk. 她書桌上有一支藍色的筆和一本黃色的筆記本。

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