  • 1 # 艾侃美食說

    其實現代英文使用沒有那麼嚴格的語法了,很多詞加s或es都可以接受。mangos, mangoes都是可以的,美華人用mangos。mangoes 理論上更符合語法規則,英華人用mangoes。國內英文課有時候教大家一些比較奇怪的說法,比如告訴學生什麼有生命的加es,writers 裡的t讀d 什麼的,這些可能是為了學生記憶方便,但是都不是英文語法裡的東西。另外國內教學對於這些完全不重要的複數o結尾加s還是es之類的細枝末節吹毛求疵寫錯了要扣分,實在是本末倒置。對於剛開始學習外語的初學者,應該更重視他們表達自己的能力。只要能把事情說清楚讓對方理解,語法有點小錯不是問題。雅思託福裡考語法也不會考mangos 還是mangoes這樣的問題。下面是牛津詞典的關於以o結尾名詞變複數的規則解釋。Nouns ending in -oNouns ending in -o can add either -s or -es in the plural, and some can be spelled either way.As a general rule, most nouns ending in -o add -s to make the plural:singular pluralsolo soloszero zerosavocado avocadosThose which have a vowel before the final -o always just add -s:(o的前面是原音通常之間加s。mango的o前面是g, 不是原音。)singular pluralstudio studioszoo zoosembryo embryosHere’s a list of the most common nouns ending in -o that are always spelled with -es in the plural:singular pluralbuffalo buffaloesdomino dominoesecho echoesembargo embargoeshero heroesmosquito mosquitoespotato potatoestomato tomatoestorpedo torpedoesveto vetoesHere are some of the common nouns ending in -othat can be spelled with either -s or -es in the plural:singular pluralbanjo banjos or banjoescargo cargos or cargoesflamingo flamingos or flamingoesfresco frescos or frescoesghetto ghettos or ghettoeshalo halos or haloesmango mangos or mangoesmemento mementos or mementoesmotto mottos or mottoestornado tornados or tornadoestuxedo tuxedos or tuxedoesvolcano volcanos or volcanoes

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