  • 1 # 弌94922977

    "compliment" and "praise"

    To compliment sb means to praise sb. beyond the fact to gain sb"s good opinion.To praise sb is because sb have a good job."appreciate" and "enjoy" To appreciate sth. means that you have a deep understanding of one thing and you can analyze it with enjoyment.To enjoy sth. means that you can get fun from one thing."precious" and "priceless" the word, precious, has more tendency to stress the rare.the word, priceless, has more tendency to stress the value is huge."notice" and "see" notice is a act lasting for a short second.see is a act lasting for a long time."hurry", "hasten" and "rush" hurry: unusually give a feeling of chaos with doing something in a short time.hasten: unusually be forced the significance of the thing to do it fast.rush: have stronger feeling of chaos."cooperative" , "colleague", "copartner" and "coworker" cooperative is a group people run to work together.colleagues are someong in your company and are the peers.copartner are someone run a company with you as the managerscoworker is less official than colleague, and have the meaning of working together."pull out", "pull up", "pull off" and "pull down" pull out: leave a place, go through hard time, plants take offpull up: stoppull off: win, make it hard, get offpull down: destroy, make it fal"graceful","gracious" and "grateful" graceful is used to describe person have good behavior and manners.gracious is used to describe person have noble character.grateful is uesd to describle person have pleasure temperament or make deserved to thank.

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