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    creep : 多指人或四足動物匍匐爬行,尤指偷偷地或不出聲地緩慢向前爬行。也指植物的蔓延生長等。

    She turned off the light and crept through the door.她關上燈,悄悄溜出門。Someone was creeping around outside my window.有人在我的窗戶外躡手躡腳地走動。The spider crept up the wall.蜘蛛緩緩地爬上牆。The traffic was creeping along at a snail"s pace.車輛如蝸牛般緩慢移動。

    climb : 通常指用手或足爬上或爬下,也指飛機、日、月的上升,還可用作比喻。

    to climb the stairs/mountain爬樓梯/登山I hate climbing ladders.我討厭爬梯子。We"re going climbing (= climbing mountains as a sport) in Scotland next weekend.下週末我們要去蘇格蘭爬山。

    crawl : 指人或動物以身軀貼著地面緩慢地移動。

    The child crawled across the floor.那個孩子爬過了地板。The injured soldier crawled to safety.受傷計程車兵慢慢爬向安全的地方。Megan has just learned to crawl.梅甘剛學會爬。The lorry crawled noisily up the hill.卡車轟轟隆隆吃力地爬上山坡。

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