  • 1 # 杜宇軒3

    Kangaroo is Australia"s unique mammals, mainly located in the Australian continent on the forest and grassland. Kangaroo is a plant-eating animals, hiding in the woods during the day and at night to eat grass and leaves outside. The image of the kangaroo is unique: forelimb short toe fingers Elephant Man, strong hind legs, long thick tail, kangaroo tail is a powerful tool, and they who are able to provide support for the kangaroo, kangaroo running can also change the direction of running. Kangaroo tail tapered at the end, the muscles are very strong, up to 1 meter in length. Kangaroo is the most famous living in the grasslands of the Red Kangaroo is the largest category of Kangaroo, the strongest person. Gray kangaroo is jumping experts can jump great distances. Australian gold, about 47 kinds of kangaroo, the kangaroo in the body length 23-250 cm

  • 2 # 藣殘佪億

    Kangaroo is Australia"s unique mammals, mainly located in the Australian continent on the forest and grassland. Kangaroo is a plant-eating animals, hiding in the woods during the day and at night to eat grass and leaves outside. The image of the kangaroo is unique: forelimb short toe fingers Elephant Man, strong hind legs, long thick tail, kangaroo tail is a powerful tool, and they who are able to provide support for the kangaroo, kangaroo running can also change the direction of running. Kangaroo tail tapered at the end, the muscles are very strong, up to 1 meter in length. Kangaroo is the most famous living in the grasslands of the Red Kangaroo is the largest category of Kangaroo, the strongest person. Gray kangaroo is jumping experts can jump great distances. Australian gold, about 47 kinds of kangaroo, the kangaroo in the body length 23-250 cm. 袋鼠是澳洲獨有的哺乳動物,主要分佈在澳洲大陸的森林中和草原上。袋鼠是草食動物,白天躲在樹林中,晚上則到外面吃草和樹葉。袋鼠的形象很獨特:前肢短小,趾象人的手指,後腿強壯,尾巴粗而長,袋鼠的尾巴是一種強有力的工具,它們平時可以為袋鼠提供支架,也可以在袋鼠奔跑時改變奔跑的方向。袋鼠的尾巴在末端逐漸變細,肌肉非常強健,長度可達1米。最著名的袋鼠是生活在草原上的紅大袋鼠,是袋鼠類中最大的、最強壯者。灰袋鼠是跳躍能手,能跳很遠的距離。澳洲金約有47種袋鼠,這些袋鼠的體長在23-250釐米以上

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