  • 1 # Mnbcxs

    翻譯如下我的一天One day for me7月我們又放暑假了。一大早我去了公園,公園裡有很多樹。很多人在散步。公園裡有很多學生。公園裡有很多的人在划船。然後我去看了電影,下午,我午睡了2個小時。我的朋友李華喊我去游泳。我們游泳遊了一下午。這實在是快樂的一天。We"ll start another summer vacation when July comes. In the morning, I got up early and went to the park after washing.Many people are walking about in the park. There are many trees in the park. In the park, there are lots of students. There are so many people paddle boat in the park.And then I went to an interesting movie.Afternoon, I take a nap for 2 hours. My friend Li Hua called me to go swimming.We swam all afternoon. This is really a happy day.

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