  • 1 # Tiekt鐵鐵

    freestanding英 ["fri:"stændɪŋ] 美 ["fri:"stændɪŋ]adj.(傢俱或裝置)獨立式的網 絡獨立式的;獨立的;獨立桌;自立式雙語例句1. The explosion - proof housing , samplefeed pump are installed in a freestanding sheet - steel cabinet. 防爆箱、試樣進料泵都裝在獨立的鋼板箱內.2. Round freestanding sink that is usually placed against a wall. 通常靠牆放置的圓形獨立式水池.3. Belfry: bell tower , either freestanding or attached to another structure. 鐘樓: 獨立的或附在另一建築上的鐘樓.4. The Italian campanile could either be attached a church or freestanding. 義大利的鐘樓既可以附屬於教堂,也可作為獨立建築物.5. This freestanding structure will serve as an outdoor living platform. 這種獨立式的結構將作為一個戶外生活平臺.

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